diablo 3 ping改善
diablo 3 ping改善

CommonProblems·IhaveahighpingwhileplayingDiabloIII.·Ranaroundonpre-exploredterrainandwasthrownbacktomystartinglocation.·Rubberbanding ...,2012年6月10日—1﹒按「開始遊戲」/「延續遊戲」進入遊戲後請先讓電腦跑一下,這樣會比較順暢。2﹒變換地圖時會有延...


2012年2月16日—Therearelotsoftrickslikethistogetpastcommunicationdelays.Buta300mspingis*really*hardtoengineeraroundifthegoalisto ...

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Blizzard Support

Common Problems · I have a high ping while playing Diablo III. · Ran around on pre-explored terrain and was thrown back to my starting location. · Rubberbanding ...

【心得】改善PING值的方法,該轉綠燈囉。 @暗黑破壞神3 ...

2012年6月10日 — 1﹒按「開始遊戲」/「延續遊戲」進入遊戲後請先讓電腦跑一下,這樣會比較順暢。 2﹒變換地圖時會有延遲比較嚴重的情況,如果不放心也請讓電腦跑一下再 ...

Super High Latency - Technical Support

2020年3月24日 — Shut off Blizzard Update Agent; Uninstalled Battle.net and Reinstalled; Double checked Windows Firewall exceptions and made sure D3 was on for ...

Unplayable Latency - Technical Support

2020年11月18日 — Click on “Start” and then launch the game. Allow the test to run for at least 10 minutes. Click on “Stop” when you're done playing after you ...


2012年2月16日 — There are lots of tricks like this to get past communication delays. But a 300ms ping is *really* hard to engineer around if the goal is to ...

How to Reduce Lag & Stuttering in Diablo 3

Update Graphics Driver. Sometimes, the outdated graphics driver will greatly influence your gaming performance. It can cause lag, high ping or FPS drop issues ...

Heavy Latency issues rubber banding

2023年2月14日 — Is your computer wired directly to your router-gateway? Or are you using wireless? Can you periodically perform a speed test with speedtest.net?

Any way to test ping without the client?

2015年6月2日 — Is there any way I can test my ping to Diablo servers without downloading the game? It's going to take a long time to do this and I don't want ...


CommonProblems·IhaveahighpingwhileplayingDiabloIII.·Ranaroundonpre-exploredterrainandwasthrownbacktomystartinglocation.·Rubberbanding ...,2012年6月10日—1﹒按「開始遊戲」/「延續遊戲」進入遊戲後請先讓電腦跑一下,這樣會比較順暢。2﹒變換地圖時會有延遲比較嚴重的情況,如果不放心也請讓電腦跑一下再 ...,2020年3月24日—ShutoffBlizzardUpdateAgent;UninstalledBattle.netandReinstalled;DoublecheckedWindowsFir...